Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Gateway

It was May 7th, my 17th birthday and I am so excited because my life planned a grandeur party for me as he said. Early in the morning…

“Good morning, my life!” my life said as he crawled over me. “Look, I have a present for you…” he giggled.

“Hm…?” I looked at what he was holding. It was a small stuff toy. It’s kinda creepy but cute!

My life made his voice smaller and said this while waving the little stuff toy, “Wake up! Wake up!”

“I’m already awake, my life…” I smiled at him sweetly as I stroke my hands in his hair.

“I know,” he chuckled, “I was just trying if I could dub on this little stuff toy just for you, my life.”

“Oh, dubbing is your—“

I felt his lips on mine and he whispered, “Happy 17th birthday my life…I love you…”

“Much appreciated my life…” I kissed him passionately. “I can’t wait to see what’s on my birthday.”

“It’s a secret for a while. Just stay put,” he pinched my cheek. “Before I forget, I made breakfast for you! I’ll just get it in the kitchen. Wait for a while, my life.”

But before he could get out of my room, someone already knocked.

“Prince…? Are you awake…?” it was a girl’s voice.

“Ashley?” my life asked me.

I shook my head, “Her voice is calm unlike Ashley’s.”

The door opened slowly.

“You’re awake, Prince!” the girl smiled at me as she entered my room. “Happy birthday!” she greeted me with so much happiness and kissed me on my cheek.

“Thanks, Danielle…but why so early?” I asked and then looked at my life, he’s just looking at us, hands inside in his pockets.

She looked at the stuff toy and then placed it on the edge of the bed, “I thought I should be early?” Danielle giggled, “Besides, I’m excited to be with you again.”

I stood up and held the stuff toy on my hand. Then my mom went inside my room too.

“Happy happy birthday, Prince!” mom greeted me as she embraced me. “I love you so much, son.”

“I do love you too, mom….”

Mom smiled, “Oh, Ryuu…you’re here. By the way, Danielle…he’s Ryuu, my son’s best friend.”

“Hi, Ryuu. It’s nice to meet you,” she shook hands with my life. My life didn’t say anything.

“She’s the one I’m talking too in our meetings, Ryuu. Isn’t she lovely for Prince?” my mom giggled.


“Things hasn’t changed, is it?” Danielle smiled. “You’re still handsome as ever…Prince. Oh! I made breakfast for you, guys. Cmon, let’s eat up! I’m excited to know your reactions!”

Danielle grabbed my hands and pulled me downstairs, to the dining room. Tsk, if she just know that things have already changed. Ugh, I wanted to eat my life’s prepared breakfast for me.

Shin: Danielle was Prince’s girlfriend for 2 years. They have their cool off last 2 years before their high school graduation because Danielle will study in abroad after it and doesn’t want any commitment at all and they just became best friends.

I sat on the edge of the table, Danielle sitting beside me. Mom and dad were on the other sides of the table while Ashley’s beside Danielle.

“Ashley, where’s your brother?” dad asked.

“He’s still in his room, uncle. But I already told him that breakfast is already prepared.”

“How about your best friend, Prince?” Danielle asked me.

“Here…” my life answered as he sat down on my opposite. “Sorry for waiting.”

“It’s alright, Ryuu. We’re still waiting for Ashley’s brother,” she smiled at him and after a few minutes, Shin arrived.

“Geez, I’m really slow in doing things these past few days. Sorry,” Shin said as he sat beside my life. “Hi there, in law.”

My life looked at him and then quite shook his head. Shin looked at me too.

“Pardon?” Danielle asked him, “Who’s your in law, Shin?”

“Huh? Did I say anything about that in law thing?” Shin suddenly quipped and smiled. “Your still deaf, aren’t you?”

“Of course, I’m not! You’re still the same, Shin. Always teasing me whenever I’m around. Hmf!”

I sighed and started to get food. I stared at my life, trying to meet with his sight but I didn’t succeed. He’s just showing a straight face.

“Stop that you two. Don’t you have any etiquette?” dad asked.

“Shin started this all—“

“No, I didn’t,” Shin stick his tongue out.

“Whatever!” Danielle said, pissed off. “Oh, Prince…why did you get your food already? It’s your birthday for today so I’ll be your slave, ok?”

“You don’t need too. I have someone who could—“

“You mean, you already have a new girlfriend?” Danielle asked. “That’s too bad, I guess…”

Shin faked a cough; mom and dad looked at each other, Ashley was just eating and my life…

“Excuse me. I’m done,” my life said as he stood up.

“You’re already done?” I asked.


“But you haven’t eaten anything…”

“I lost my appetite,” and my life left us.

“Prince, I thought you still love me….” Danielle said sadly.

“Enough of that, please? It’s my birthday today and I don’t want anyone else to ruin my day.”

“Yes, I’m sorry,” Danielle smiled. “I promise I won’t silly this time.”

While eating, they just talked about my birthday party then Danielle’s life in abroad. After eating, Danielle went with mom for her attire later. I went to look for my life but he’s already busy talking with the sponsors etc.

“She’s still silly,” Shin said while drinking water. I leaned on the wall and stared at my life.

“I like my life’s silliness, more…”

He smiled, “Btw, I’m sorry about what happened before. The ‘in law’ thing.”

“It’s ok, at least you’re good in quipping.”

“So…what are you going to do now? Talk to her?” he looked around.

“Don’t know. I just want to talk with my life. Tsk…why did she say that?” I leaned my head on the wall and stared at the ceiling for sometime.

“I wondered too…she’s your best friend, right?”


“But just stay cool, ok? Don’t be impatient on her.”

“I won’t but it can’t be helped? I think there’s something’s wrong here,” I said as I looked at my life’s place again but he’s gone.

Shin snickered.

“Why are you snickering like that, Shin? And where’s my life?”

“Because maybe…there’s really something wrong, my little Prince. He’s with uncle,” he answered as he started to walk away from me.

“Hey! Do you—“

“I saw his prepared breakfast for you inside the trash can!”

I sighed, “Don’t go out of the house, ok? I wanted to see you present in the party.” He didn’t answer at all but instead waved his hand.

“Oh, here you are, Prince. I’ve been looking for you,” Danielle said and she smiled. I walked and looked for the breakfast my life has prepared for me.

“You’ll still eat? Don’t you like the food I prepared for you?”

And I saw my life’s prepared breakfast for me inside the trash can. I didn’t talk for a while…

“Hey…” Danielle wrapped her arms on mine, “Are you alright?”

“No. But don’t mind me.”

“So we’ll head first at the hotel, Ryuu,” dad said as they entered where we was. I saw my life looked at us. I smiled at him but he just smiled a bit. “Are you listening?”

“Yes…” my life answered.

I removed my arm on hers. I tried to speak but my mom called us (me and Danielle). As soon as we left the place, dad and Ryuu left too. Geez, it’s really hard to talk with each other because both of us were busy with other things. Tsk. Danielle and I went inside the master’s bedroom and waited for mom.

“Prince?” Danielle sat beside me.


“I was just kidding before…the love thing,” she smiled.

“Ah?” I raised my eyebrow.

“I just wanted to know if your ‘best friend’ will react.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“He’s your lover, right?” she giggled. “I saw him over you before I enter the room. Actually, I was just a bit too far from him when he entered your room and that was the time when your mom told me to wake you up. She didn’t notice Ryuu was in there.”

“And then?”

“I became curious so I sneaked. Sorry,” she showed a peace sign.

“That’s bad, you know. Pff,” I pouted my lips.

“I don’t mean too! I was just curious…”

“So…you’re just acting to be silly—“

She nodded, “I really don’t mean to do that. I hope you forgive me. Please?”

“Alright…alright…I thought you’ll really ruin my day today.”

“Actually, I’m planning to do something later,” she chuckled. “You know, you two look so adorable! That’s why…I’m going to make him jealous. It’s a good idea, right?”

“Geez, you’re so silly, Danielle,” I shook my head.



“Please? Please? Please?”

“I said no.”

“Hmf!” Danielle giggled and stick out her tongue. “Tell me more about you two, alright?”

“I will, if you won’t continue your plans.”

“I’ll think about it…” she chuckled. “By the way….”

“Hm?” I looked at her.

She hugged me tightly, “Happy birthday again, Prince…I hope you enjoy your day.”

Good heavens. I thought something bad will really happen because of Danielle. I’m really excited about talking with my life again. I waited for lunch time but no my life showed.

“Dad, where’s Ryuu?”

“He said that he’s just going to prepare and would be back this afternoon.”

“Ah…” I sighed, “Back this afternoon, huh?”


“Oh, about that afternoon. We’ll be more busy later, Prince. We’re going to….”

I didn’t listen to my mom. Tsk. So, I can’t talk to him this lunch time and after lunch. Pff. After lunch time, I still waited for my life but, there still no signs of him. After 5 hours…6:30pm.

“Let’s go now to the venue,” mom told our driver. “Your dad told me that the venue’s almost filled.

I took a deep breath.

“Don’t show that face when we arrive there, Prince. Smile for me...for them…for Ryuu,” Danielle said.

“I will. Thanks, Danielle.”

And we arrived at the venue. I was the one who went outside first and assisted Danielle. She wrapped her arm around my arm and we went inside the venue together. The guests greeted me, kissed on my cheek, shook hands with me etc. I saw Shin on the he railings of the veranda. The Numbers on the wine station and my life…entertaining the guests, he’s singing in front of hundreds of guests. I stared at him for a while until mom told me to sit on my seat. The program started after a while. For the whole time, I was just looking at my life but sometimes, Danielle was so sweet to me etc…and I can’t focus on looking at my life. Geez, she’s really doing it. And it was dinner time, I waited for my life to sit beside me…

“Prince, I hope you like the food Ryuu chose for this party,” mom told me.

“Of course, I would love to eat this…” I saw my life walked towards our table. I tried to approach him but mom called him.

“You’re really a good singer…” one of the guests complimented.

“Thanks….” my life said.

“What’s his name?”

“He’s Ryuu, my son’s best friend,” mom answered.


“Oh, what a very thoughtful friend you have here, Prince.”

“Excuse me, I’ll just go to the wine station,” my life told them and he left. I saw him on the wine station with Shin and VII.

“Cmon, Prince…let’s eat now,” Danielle told me.

“I will—“

“Oh, do you want me to spoon feed you?” she giggled and spoon fed me.

“Thanks, but I can really handle myself,” I stopped her from spoon feeding me.

“Sure. Eat well!”

“Thanks again…” I smiled.

“Oh my…” she damped her hanky on the side of my lips, “You have something on your lips…there, it’s all gone.” She smiled.

“You always notice small things, do you?” I chuckled.

“Of course, I wanted you to be at your best tonight,” Danielle took a bite on the viand. “Your lover knows how to choose the right type of food for this kind of occasion. This is so very delicious.”

“Right, so enjoy eating. Oh, but don’t eat too much. Your gown might not fit you,” I chuckled as I teased her. She just stuck her tongue out and pinched my cheek. After our dinner, the giving of gifts was the next activity. My life started to sing again and I noticed that his hand was bleeding. What the hell did happen to you? I desired to approach him and ask him about what had happened but time can’t let me to. Danielle wrapped her arm on my arm and we walked towards the stage. We sat on a couch and entertained ourselves on the guests’ gifts and messages. I liked what Shin and VII prepared for me. Shin sang the birthday song while VII played the guitar.

“Happy birthday again, Prince. We wish you all the best,” VII said.

“Thank you very much, Shin and Laurence,” I smiled at them.

After the gift giving, a slow music started to play. Danielle and I started to sway in the center of the dance floor; we were the only partner who danced. She asked me to narrate our love story to her and so I did. Then, moments passed, my life stopped singing.

My life looked at me, “Hey everyone… this might be my last song tonight. I hope you all enjoy my best friend… friend… best friend’s birthday... dude, happy birthday…” He whispered, “This is for you….”

“My life…” I whispered. The orchestra played and my life started singing. Danielle and I danced a bit but after a while…

“I should leave you now, Prince…” Danielle smiled. “There’s so much pain in him and I am so guilty with what I am doing. See you around.” She left me, alone. By the way, the song goes like this:

I'll take care of you
Don't be sad, don't be blue
'Cause I'll never break your heart in two
'Cause I'll take care of you

I'll kiss your tears away
I'll end your lonely days
All that I'm really trying to say
Is I'll take care of you

I want you to know
That I love you so
I'm proud to tell the world you're mine
I've said it before,
I'll say it once more,
You'll be in my heart 'till the end of time

I'll take care of you,
Don't be sad, don't be blue
Just count on me your whole life through
And I'll take care of you…

“I… I …. Could no… no longer continue…” my life said melancholically and the orchestra stopped playing. Everyone stopped on what they were doing. “Sorry…”

“Aw…my life…”

“It’s alright, in law….” I murmured.

My life took a deep breath and looked at the guests fiercely, “Hi there people. I know it’s not really a good timing for me to say these things, but I feel like I really need to let it out. Let everyone of you know… so, you might as well sit back and enjoy my story telling?”

He chuckled, “Anyway, I was having my break over the wine station with my friends when I heard this group of women talking about… well, I won’t be mentioning names. You know, currently…I am so deeply in love with someone….

Don’t worry. As I said, I won’t be mentioning names so you don’t have to worry my life, Oh…the term ‘my life’, well it’s our call of endearment… my life, I won’t be uttering your beautiful name,” my life smiles a little.

I shook my head because I am so worried, “What’s with you…”

“As I was saying, I heard these women saying that their daughter would be a better match for my life… damn! That was just hilarious! I was so pissed off when I heard them say that! Tsk, come on! Dude, what the hell are they saying? A better match!? That’s just insane! Totally insane! My life… that person they are pertaining to be of good match with their daughter or whoever is… is mine! Mine alone!”

I don’t know what to say and I am so flattered at the same time.

My life walked around on the stage, “Before I thought, whatever might other people say wouldn’t affect me. But I guess I was wrong there, it does affect me… it does hurt to hear other people say that the one you love is better to be match to others rather than you…”

He took a deep breath, “But I can’t blame them because they don’t know anything about the two of us, that we already have a relationship! Well, that figures. So hell yeah, they will keep on insisting that you are perfect for her or for who ever the hell they wanted to! Fuck shit them! That really hurts, big time…really so damn hard to hear those. Tsk, I think I heard it for a million times and it’s fucking driving me insane! They thought that it’s just alright…sweet, yeah…whatever but no. It’s definitely not!”

Then his voice became so fierce, “Tsk, how funny to pretend unhurt when I’m exceedingly bleeding. Truly, ignorance is one of the dumbest talents a human can have.”

“Oh my…why is he like that….? ...He’s really in pain…,” the guests murmured.

“Anyway, enough of that… lastly, I want you all to know how much I love my life. This might be simple yet maybe impossible for you but for me…it’s plausible, my life… Your welfare matters more to me than my own. I exist for you. When I am alone, I would repeat your name to myself and think of nothing but you. Whenever I am with you, nothing else matters…. I’m going to fight for you until your heart stops beating…”

I felt my cheeks were becoming warm, my cheeks flushing. The audiences continued reacting and my life sang the song again but he resonated the last lines of the song painfully.

“Just count on me your whole life through
And I'll take care of you,
I love you so much…”

After the song, my life walked towards me. He embraced me with so much affection and kissed me passionately.

“My life…?” I asked him surprisingly.

“I love you…” my life answered him and he got something from the back of my hair, like magic and then showed it to me. “Oh, magic!”

My life chuckled then he smiled sweetly. “What do we have here? It’s a ring…” He took a deep breath, “Actually, I intend to do it later but I might loose my chance.”

I am sorry, but I don’t really know what to say that time. I have mixed emotions here. Then, my life knelt in front of me…

“Prince Noctis…” my life held my hand and kissed it,

“I am so deeply in love with you…” he looked at my eyes,

“Please…marry me,” and he placed in the ring in my finger.

I was still standing there, motionless but still blushing.

“I guess not?” my life asked as he stepped backward and walked away. I hurriedly followed him outside but it was drizzling so I got an umbrella in the lobby. I looked for him outside and saw him in the parking lot. I was just behind him but he didn’t notice me. As soon as he was opening the door of his car, the rain poured out…

“Shit!” he exclaimed while looking at the sky. “Oh well… I guess it’s all right to be freshened up,” and he closed his eyes.

I just stared at him for a while and then shared my umbrella with him.

My life opened his eyes, “Huh?” and he looked at his right side.

“Hi there…my life…” I said while smiling. He didn’t respond to me, instead…he just looked down.

“My life?” I asked while holding his chin, “Were you crying? I couldn’t verify it coz the sky is also crying with you…”
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I… I mean, I just… can’t…-“

I didn’t let him finish what he was saying as I let my lips pressed into his. He did kiss me back but…

“Please don’t do this…”

“Why?” I caressed his face. “Are you repelled by my touch now?” I asked while pouting my lips. But he just looked at me sadly.

“My life…please, don’t show me that sad face please…” I removed my coat and placed it on him.

No respond. I hugged him tightly, “You know my life… of all the things you’ve done for my birthday; planning, singing…the last one, proposing to me is my favorite…”

“For…real?” he said, shocked. I tried to kiss him…

“No, we can’t kiss…we’re in pub—“

“Nobody can see us here, and if they do…well, enjoy the view,” and I kissed him passionately.

“Aw…my life…”

“You’re really funny…” I pinched his cheeks. “Don’t you remember, you let the whole world to know about our relationship…?” I chuckled. “So why bother now if anyone sees us?”

“I’m sorry…”

“Will you cut the crap?” I pouted my lips, “Didn’t I tell you I like what you did?”

“But…” my life didn’t finish as I placed my forefinger on his lips.

“Sshh…” I smiled and then whispered, “Make… make love with me my life…” I kissed his ear and then licked it. “You won’t ruin my day, will you?”

I cornered him on his car, still raining. I saw on the corner of my eye Shin’s car leaving the venue. “Will I heat you up, my life…? I think you don’t want to initiate things…right this time…” I bit my lips.

My life held on to my waist, “You really are dazzling me, my Prince Noctis...and you know I can resist anything…except you, my life…” and he kissed me sweetly. Our kiss lasted for a moment and he carried me inside into his car. We left the venue and checked in a hotel. Inside our room, I sat on the bed and called the customer service…

“Who are you calling to, my life…?” my life asked as he sat beside me and embraced me tightly.

“The sophisticated lover feeds his partner before or after make love…”

“Oh…I see…” he slid his hands inside my pants, “Let’s make you hard here…”

“Wait…my life…don’t…ugh, hi there…I wanted to order…a pizza…flavor, nn…everything on top, yeah….room number 27…thanks…” I ended the call. “Geez, her voice looks so scared.” I chuckled and lay on the bed. “Why did you stop, my life?”

“I guess I need to suppress my feeling for a while though…”

I looked at his eyes and whispered, “I don’t want to waste our time here so go on, my life…” I reached on his nape and nibbled on his ear. “I know you wanted me so badly…”

My life smiled and then he slid his hands on my shirt, stroking his hands on my back. His hands went downwards and squeezed my butt, “You really are so sexy…so dazzling me here my life…” and he removed my shirt and his own shirt too. And then we heard someone knocked…

“Pizza delivery!”

I stood up and went to open the door while my life followed me and hugged me from my behind. The delivery boy was shocked about what he has seen, both of us shirtless. I waved my hand on his face.

“Ugh, I’m sorry…here’s your pizza, sir…”

“Thanks, here’s the payment. Keep the change,” I got the pizza box.

“Thanks. Bye!” my life grinned and he closed the door. We sat on the couch and gave him a slice.

“Eat well, ok? I know that you haven’t eaten your dinner yet.”

“How did you know?” my life chuckled then sighed. “I still don’t have any appetite before. But don’t worry, I’ll full myself tonight.”

“Good…” I pinched his cheek and kissed him.

Last slice…

“My life, I am so hungry…I’m sorry…” he grinned.

“It’s alright…” I smiled at him.

“Ugh, here…eat what’s on my mouth…this would be the last, my life…” he pointed on the pizza on his mouth.

“So…thoughtful….” I ate what’s on his lips and then he held on to my nape.

“But I’m hungrier with you….” he kissed me passionately. I removed my pants and undergarment and carried him to the bed. I removed his remaining clothes too.

I was over him, “Isn’t today is my birthday? Why am I on the top?” I smiled and he exchanged places with me.



“I love you so much…Prince…” he kissed my lips, then downwards until he sucked my thing.

“I...nh……too…” I said breathlessly. I watched my life smiling, until my hard-on was really on its wild. This time, our love making was more feverish and committed than ever. Both of us were greedy for more.

“I love you…I love you…I love you…” my life said as he thrust inside me with more passion, reaching the state of orgasm.


“More…more my life…make love to me more…my life…” I said in breathless anticipation, trembling.

“Aren’t you satisfied yet? You’ve come...—“he whispered.

“Yes but I want you to do it more to me, I want you to be satisfied…”

“I am already, no worries.”

I reached on my life’s face, “No… do it more, make to love to me more… dirty me more…like there is no end…”


“Come on now… I want you to make love to me as long as you want. I want you to feel that what you all did for me is very much appreciated… and this is one of my ways to thank you my life…”

“Consider it done…” my life smiled and we made love through the night. After our make love…

“Are you all right my life?” my life asked while tracing the line of my nose down to my lips.

“What do you think? After making me come out 17 times, what do you expect?” I chuckled while resting on his chest.

“It’s you who wanted it…”

“Of course…I love you…”

“I love you too, Prince…”

I raised my head up and looked at my life, “My life…yes…” and I smiled.


“When I look into your eyes, it is like a gateway into the world of which I want to be a part, my life…” I showed my hand with the engagement ring on my finger, “Yes, I will marry you.”

My life was so surprised, “Really?”

I nodded and smiled, “I will definitely marry you.” I stood up.

“Where are you going?” my life asked as he was staring on my nakedness.

I laughed and my life turned his head away, “What are you laughing out?”

“Your eyes that were staring at me… they look like they want to eat me up,” I chuckled.

My life sighed, “Go now my life… you’re so sexy, I’m getting attracted again, I might lose my control and…”

“And?” I chuckled, “Go another round with me? Is that it?”

He just simply nodded and I pulled him, “I want you to look at me… look at me Shuuichi Ryuuka, didn’t I say before to 'set your sight only for me’?”

My life stared at me, “All right… my Excellency. Are you happy, Prince?”

“Certainly,” I smiled and kissed him sweetly.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he caressed my face and smiled, “I’m glad my wife is happy.”

“Hm? We ain’t married yet…but bethroed, yes…” I smiled.

“So… you’re my fiancĂ© now… Prince Noctis Caelum?”

“I am,” I smiled. “Come on… let’s take a bath together, let me wash you thoroughly…”

Then my life suddenly carried me, “Shouldn’t I be the one doing that? Let me clean you well for I dirtied you so well… my dear Prince…”

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