Friday, May 28, 2010

Just for this day

I wake Prince early this morning and told him to come with me for some recreation. I already asked permission to aunt and uncle that Prince’s with me though they still don’t know what happened.

‘Let’s forget about what happened just for this day, ok?’ I said as I handed him the helmet.

‘I hope so…’ he wore the helmet, ‘I hope you won’t so anything reckless, Shin.’

‘Of course not.’

He didn’t respond. I started the engine and rode on it, ‘Let’s keep moving,’ I smiled.

‘Alright,’ he rode on too.

We went first to a cafeteria.

‘What do you want to eat, Prince?’ I asked while looking at the carte du jour.

‘Anything edible,’ he answered and then sat on the corner of the shop.

‘Geez,’ I sighed. After ordering, I sat opposite of Prince. His chin over his hand, he was staring outside.

I noticed another guy cheerfully assisting his girl on their seat. ‘Here you go! I’ve ordered everything you love just for you. Hope you like it.’

‘My life…?’ Prince murmured as he turned his head on them.

The guy looked at him and smiled then they sat at the back side of Prince. Prince face became grumpy and then he sighed. Our orders were served after a few minutes.

‘Eat now, Prince. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday noon,’ I pushed gently the saucer of strawberry shortcake on his side, as well as his tea. ‘I know that you love strawberries, so I ordered you this.’

He stared at the cake. ‘Prince?’

‘Ugh, sorry. I just remembered something,’ he took a bit on his cake.

‘Hm, what did you remember?’ I asked.

“When he ordered me something like these too when we were in our trip last semester,’ Prince smiled a bit, ‘I actually pissed of that time because he wanted to kiss me in public and sorts of stuff. Though, he ordered something better,’ he teased.

‘Ah, I see…reminiscing your memories,’ I nibbled on my croissant.

‘The only thing I have right now as well as…’ he stared on his fingers, ‘this ring…’

‘Geez, I told you to forget about that just for this day,’ I showed him a fish face.


‘We’ll see…’

I sighed, ‘I want you to see you smile, Prince.’

He stuck his tongue out and continued eating. I sighed and smiled a bit, ‘At least you’re eating now. Prince, let’s spend out time until this afternoon, ok?’

He just shrugged his shoulder. Alright, fine. *sighs After eating, we went to the park and strolled for a while, while waiting for the arcade to open.

‘I should have brought my guitar if I just know we’ll stay here at the park,’ Prince told me as he sat down on the bench.

‘We’ll just wait for the arcade to open,’ I tossed a stone onto the river. ‘Is it ok for you to play?’

‘Just fine…don’t worry; I know you enjoy doing that kind of stuff.’

‘Huh? Of course, you’ll enjoy that too.’


‘Yo, par!’ someone shouted from behind.

I looked and saw Mitsui, ‘Yo!’ I looked at Prince and he was just staring blankly at the air. He doesn’t seem to care even there was Irick.

‘How’s your cousin, par?’

‘Not ok, of course.’

‘I hope your in law make a right decision,’ he folded his arms, ‘tsk, that bitch.’

‘A bitch is always a bitch,’ I tossed a stone again. ‘Let’s not talk about her right now or about the problem. I really wanted to make Prince happy right now.’

‘I hope I could help you too, but I guess he’s still mad at me,’ he shook his head.


‘Huh? Why sorry, par? You didn’t do anything.’


‘Oh, come on. I thought this day would be a happy day. Don’t change your mood because of that or whatever,’ he smiled.

‘Yeah, right,’ I smiled too. ‘What brings you here, anyway?’

‘Ah, I have an appointment at this restaurant. You know, about the business.’

‘Oh, maybe you should go now.’

‘Alright, enjoy your day, par,’ he tapped me on my back.

‘Sure, good luck,’ I smiled and then looked at Prince again. ‘Prince, let’s go now and play?’

He simply nodded and we went to the arcade. While I was playing, Prince was just watching me and then I noticed that he went somewhere.

‘Shit. Where the hell did he go?’ I looked around and asked this girl about Prince but she didn’t notice. I asked another and another and another but no Prince at all. Then I saw him! Yey! He was following somebody; I tried to catch up with him.

Prince!’ I shouted, ‘Wait for me! Hey! Prince!’

But he was still following this guy and then the guy stopped. Prince stopped too as I approached him. Prince hold onto his shoulder, ‘Ryuu…’

‘No, Prince…’ I whispered, ‘He’s not in law…’

‘Huh? Sorry, but I am not that Ryuu you are saying,’ the guy told him and he went away.

Prince bit his lower lip and sighed.


He looked at me teary eyed, ‘He’s going to leave me, don’t he?’

‘Geez…’ I put my arms on his shoulder and we walked towards the parking lot, ‘In law wouldn’t leave you, Prince. Don’t you trust him?’

‘I trust him…I don’t know…’

‘Aren’t you sure about your feelings for him right now? So you don’t know?’ I handed him the helmet.

‘I am sure but…’ he sighed, ‘maybe he’s the one who’s not sure with me right now…’

‘I think it really can’t be helped…’ I patted his head, ‘Want some joy ride?’

‘I want some death ride,’ he put on his helmet.

‘Shut up, Prince. Tsk, I don’t want to hurt you or what but if you continue this, ugh…’ I sighed, ‘Sorry about that. I really don’t want to hurt you, hope he won’t hurt you too.’

He didn’t respond and we went for a joy ride, hope he enjoyed? *sighs By the way, he was singing while we were on a ride. Singing songs which are so sad.

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