Thursday, May 20, 2010


i woke up last night at around 11 in the evening. i rubbed my eyes and checked my cellphone. i read the text messgaes from my life, asking if i was still awake and not busy..etc, and the last text: My life, I'm outside of your house.

'what the...' i hurriedly went outside and looked for my life, he was already in the courtyard coz the guards already let him in. anyways, i approched him. 'my life?' i smiled at him

he looked and smiled too, 'good Jesus, i thought you're already asleep...'

i scartched my head and chuckled, 'actually i was already sleeping'

'i'm so--'

'it's alright, my life...' i pinched his nose, 'what brings you here?'

'i think...we should go inside...' he stood up and held my hand tightly, 'it's kinda cold now...'


he placed his index finger on my lips and smiled.

'fine...' i pouted my lips and smiled. we went inside the house and stayed in the living room.we sat and i placed my head over his shoulder while watching.

'uhm, my life...i'm sorry for texting you so suddenly..'

'it's alright, you are always welcome here, my life...but you should texted me earlier so i could prepare something for you...'


'my life, you don't look something wrong?'

my life didn't utter any word, instead he just kissed my hair. i raised my head at stared at him, caressing his face, 'are you sick?' i worriedly asked.

my life shrugged his head, 'i’m just sad…'

i sighed, 'have i done something wrong?'

he laid a short kiss to my lips, 'of course, not my life...'

'then why?' i was still worried.

'hm, is shin asleep?' he was staring at me

i nodded. my life traced the worried lines on my head, 'i just feel sorry forVII...'

he gently pulled me into his arms, 'i don’t want to blame your cousin but… it can’t be help. i just don’t want see the kind of VII that he is right now'

my life took a deep breath as i hugged him back, 'what do you want us to do?'

as my life laid down the couch, he was also pulling me into his arms and hugged me tightly, 'Prince…' he uttered as he breathe in my scent, 'I love you…'

i looked into my life, 'I love you too…' and smiled.

'i am so fortunate that the person who i offer my whole life loves me too' my life
sighed, 'unlike my brother, this is the first time he ever fall but little that he knew that he won’t be able to get out of the deep cliff he fell down to...'

i didn’t answer.

he pinched my cheek, 'want to know what happened to VII last night?'

i simply nodded.

my life started to narrate what happened, and this time, his head was resting to my lap.

'when i went back to my house last night, XIII came rushing to me, 'XXVII! where were you? i’ve been waiting for you for ages!' XIII exclaimed with a worried face.

'why? what happened?' i asked.

'it’s VII…-' XIII didn’t finish.

'i am okay, don’t overreact things XIII. our leader wouldn’t like that kind of behavior' VII uttered, his voice, well… it was empty.

'it’s all right' i continued, 'tell me what’s the problem XIII'

'well…' XIII turned his face away from VII and looked at me, 'VII hasn’t eaten anything yet, I… we told him to eat but he doesn’t want to. he was just smoking the whole day. other Numbers are getting worried and i know if master would know this, he would surely be mad' I can see that XIII was really worried about VII that time.

'is this true VII?” i asked.

'yes' VII answered without any hesitation.

'fool' i sighed, 'leave us XIII. i’ll handle this' XIII left us.

i sat down the bench while VII was still standing and blowing his smoke, 'would you quit smoking just for now? you know i don’t really like that smell.'

he threw his cigar and sat beside me, 'sorry leader', he sighed.

'you know VII, nothing will happen if you’ll do nothing' i told him straight forwardly.

'i’m expecting nothing XXVII'

'tsk. what is wrong with you? i mean why are you doing this to yourself?'

'i don’t know too.'

'he said your special'

'everybody is, he said'

'but didn’t you tell me that he did it with you?' i asked hesitantly.

'tsk, out of pity i guess'

'what do you mean?' i wondered, his reasoning is too vague.

'well, i know he did it with me because he pity me. or maybe because he thought that i am still mad at him and that’s the only way i could forgive him' he sighed.

'but isn’t it?'

'XXVII, do you think by doing it with him made me feel all better?' VII’s face was in pain… too much pain.

'i can see that it didn’t but why?'

'i thought by doing it with him will help me forget everything about him, but no… he’s flesh kept on haunting me every night. i could not stop thinking about him now, his addictive scent… his trembling voice… his luscious taste, damn, it made me feel worse. i can’t stop fantasizing him' VII’s voice was dry and too agonizing, 'tell me, how can i move on like this?'

i sighed, 'well… that is undeniable. once you tasted the one you love, you won’t be able to stop craving for more. lesson learned VII, don’t do it if you’re not together' i continued, 'you won’t be able to'

he didn’t answer.

i remembered something, 'anyway, master gave us a mission. can you come with me?'
'i maybe sad XXVII, but i am not weak' VII said, his voice was still empty, 'and besides, that would help me… i want to see some blood anyway'

'what do you mean by it can help you? what are you planning?' i got a bad feeling about this.

'i want to vanish'

'and by that you mean death, isn’t it?'

'truly, you are genius… no doubt that you are our leader' he tsked.

'you know i won’t let that to happen' i told him firmly, 'don’t disobey me VII'

'if ever, this would be the first time, can’t you let me just this once?'

'are you dumb? if i let you, then this would be your first and… last!' i exclaimed.

'true, but at least I won’t be disobeying you ever again' he sighed.

'VII…' i sighed, 'if you die, i will fail as your leader'

VII looked at me, he didn’t say a word but he’s eyes, well they were like asking me why.

i continued, 'you know it is my responsibility to accomplish all our missions and to bring all the Numbers alive'

'don’t you worry leader, we will accomplish the mission. it’s just that as the mission ends, i will end too' he said as he stood up.

i stood up too and lay a deep punch on his stomach.

VII coughed some blood out.

'fine, if you want that way then go ahead. i won’t stop you' i was so pissed off this time, 'maybe i’ll put some white roses to your grave'

he wiped the blood in his mouth, 'i prefer red ones'

i sighed and sat again, 'i remember what you told me before when i was in your shoe'
he sat too, 'go ahead and die XXVII?'

i nodded, 'why are we like this? i mean, why is it too easy for us to throw our lives away?'

'because it is meaningless without its better half' VII's voice was a little calm now, 'before when you tried to kill yourself, i didn’t stop you'

i sighed, 'that’s why i won’t be stopping you. i know that even if i try to stop you, you wouldn’t listen to me, you’ll just listen to yourself… and him of course'

he nodded.

'i hate to see you like this VII, if there’s anything i can do. just tell me' i offered.
'thanks but no thanks. don’t trouble yourself because of me, you’re too busy to deal with other things'

i sighed.

moment of silence, 'XXVII, can you make a philosophy for me? i mean to the thing I would believe in… and understand'

i closed my eyes, and think, 'done'

VII looked at me, 'already? 3 seconds?'

'i don’t want to think so much' i smiled, 'you just have to accept whatever destiny you have'

'ugh... -'

'but that doesn’t mean you can’t control your destiny. whatever your destiny might be, it’s always on your hand. your actions define your future, so everything is still up to you. believe in yourself and change things according to what you want' i stood up and tapped his shoulder, 'heart or mind? which is better? fruit of thought' and i left him. when I got inside the house, the other Numbers were there waiting for my news. i told them what we talked about and they were so disappointed.

'what can we do? i don’t want to see brother like that' IX said, her voice was unhappy.

'oh i know what to do!' XIII exclaimed.

'spill it out' i told him.

'let’s just kidnap the guy and lock him with VII so that they’ll be together everlastingly?' XIII suggested.

everyone else sighed, 'stupid' IX told XIII.

'i am just kidding! gosh, don’t be so serious. tsk' XIII saidi started to take my pace away from them.

'where are you going leader?' XV asked me.

'i’ll sleep now. i’m tired”

'but?' XIII asked.

'there’s nothing we can do. this is his life… this is their lives, thus their decisions and destiny. we have nothing to do with it' i told them as i walked away. before i opened my door, i heard VII’s voice and an acoustic guitar playing… i moved closer to his room’s door, leaned my left ear, and heard him singing…

"What's best is not right
Sometimes I wish that we could be
So much closer than this
But I won't look up when you walk away"

he stopped singing, i don’t know why. so, i just walked away and enter my room.

my life finished his story telling, he noticed that i looked troubled.

'my life?' he asked, 'is something wrong? you’ve been quiet the whole time?'

i stood up and sat on the other couch, 'well, are you mad at shin?'

my life shrugged his head, 'no, it’s just that whether i shouldn’t be siding on either side. unconsciously, or maybe half- heartedly, i am really siding to VII'

'so, you’re blaming shin?'

'not really. it’s just natural to side on the person you are closer but that doesn’t mean i’m blaming in-law' my life sighed, 'my life?'

'don’t worry i am not mad at you. just like what you said, it’s just natural to side on the person you are closer' i smiled a bit, 'it’s not shin’s fault that VII fell into him'

'ugh… -'

'and it’s not shin’s fault, if he doesn’t love VII the way VII loves him' i was serious.

my life nodded, 'all right, all right. we ain’t going to quarrel about them right?'

i pouted my lips, 'it’s you who started it'

my life stood up and sat beside me, 'okay, i’m sorry' and embraced me tightly, 'please forgive me'

i looked at my life, 'apology accepted' and pinched his nose

he smiled, 'you love my nose?'

i chuckled, 'i love everything about you bubble head'

'bubble head?' my life tickled me

'stop stop!' i was laughing… giggling, 'please my life stop it!'

my life gently pushed me on the couch and was over him, 'okay' he rested his head to my chest.

'sleepy?' i asked as i hugged my life

my life nodded, 'it's past 1 am...actually...'

i pouted his lips, and exchanged place with my life, 'my life?'

'yes?' his eyes were closed.

i caressed his face and started to kiss him in his cheek bone.

'wait… wait' my life tried to stop me but he wasn’t successful.(haha.)

'don’t you want me my life?' i naughtily asked and kissed my life's ear; nibbled and licked on them.

'i… i am… not… oh, not in the mood' my life said.

i stopped, 'then let’s make you in the mood' i slid his hands inside my life's shirt and removed it. i also gave him circles of kisses on his chest.

my life sighed, 'all right' he held my chin and kissed my lips passionately, 'i love you…'

'i love… you too'

my life started to peck my face with deep and sensual kisses. then suddenly, we heard someone coughed, 'ehem… ehem!'

we stopped, 'mother?'

'oh son, do the two of you know the word P-R-I-V-A-C-Y-?' she asked while laughing.

'i thought you were already asleep, mom...' i said and then looked at my life

'P-R-I-V-' my life spelled out, 'oh! privacy!” and chuckled.

'right...anyways, as i went to the kitchen to drink water, i heard someone moaned and, i saw you two...' she smiled

'ugh, sorry about this mom' i stood up and tried to get my shirt but my life hid it, 'my life?'

my life carried me, 'excuse us mom, we’re going to continue something somewhere P-R-I-V-A-T-E' he told her and winked.

'okay, enjoy!' she said as we left

my life brought me in our room and laid me gently, 'let’s remove this too...' he suggested as he pulled my pants

'i thought you’re not in the mood?' i was blushing, 'my life?'

'did i ever say that?' my life chuckled, 'my life...thanks for making me excited...and besides, i didn’t drink any milk this morning so I want some milk from you now...”

'huh? what milk from me?' i wondered.

my life removed his clothes, 'make the milk come out'


what happened here? haha. sorry, i'm not in the mood to emphasize everything for you, guys...also, we're not the protagonists here, we're just the supporting actors. haha.

and my life finished what i started.

'i’m the one sleepy now my life...' i sighed, 'thanks to you...'

'you started it' my life chuckled

i nodded and pretended to be asleep

my life kissed my hair, 'thanks for everything my life… prince, i don’t know what will happen to me if i ever lose you. please, never let me go. thanks for taking away my miserable life, i love you alone…” my life hugged me tightly and laid a short kiss on my cheek, 'sweet dreams'

'just be forever mine, and i assure you, i will always be forever yours…' i whispered.
my life smiled, 'you’ve always been my forever' and they kissed.

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