Monday, May 31, 2010


“I’m sorry, Prince but we just can’t be together anymore,” my life sighed, “I’ve realized that I still want a woman beside me.”

“No! Please…please my life, don’t leave me! I beg Ryuu…” my tears started to fall, “You know that I can’t live without you!” I exclaimed but he turned his back to me. I grabbed his arms but he removed it.

“Please, stop now. I made my decision and it’s now over. Everything’s over now, Prince,’ and he walked away. I tried to call him, over and over again, “Ryuuka! Ryuuka! My life! Ryuuka!!!” but he continued walking away from me.

“Prince! Prince!” I heard a familiar voice, “Hey, Prince!” and it’s calling out for my name, “Prince, wake up! Prince!!!”

I opened my eyes and saw Shin in front of me. I was catching for my breath, “Everything’s now over…”

“Huh? Prince?” someone’s hand was waving in front of my face.

I looked at him. “Shin…?” I asked, my eyes were wet.

He sighed as he folded his arms, “Damn! I thought you’ll never wake up! You’ve been calling in law’s name for so a hundred of times now.”

I sighed. “Nightmare…” I whispered.

“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious. What’s it all about?” he sat beside me and then wiped away my tears. “Geez…you’re the cry baby here, Prince,” he teased and smiled, trying to cheer me up. But I can’t. Cheer up at a time like this? It’s just a plain crap. He noticed that I didn’t respond.

“Oh, I’m sorry…Prince, I don’t—“

“Shin…” I sat too, and lean myself on the baseboard of my bed. “My life chose her over me…” I got my pillow and hug it so tight, “He said that he still prefers a woman…”

“Well nightmares are the complete opposite of reality.”

I didn’t respond.

“Oh, how I hate monologue,” he sighed.

“Sorry, I’m just really not in the mood.” I closed my eyes, “What day is it today?”

“It’s the third day,” he said, his voice was puny.

“I see, so today is the last day.”

Shin nodded, “So make yourself presentable. For sure in law will be here anytime today or tonight to see you, and be with you again…”

I pouted my lips, “I don’t want to hope too much.”

“What? Tsk, are you crazy? For goodness sake! Come on, Prince. All people trust in law. I mean they trust him that he will still choose you over that stupid freaking bitch…so, like what Mandy said, of all people you should be the one trusting him. Right?”

“But I am not like them Shin,” I could feel that my voice is weak, as it is as my heart. “Unlike them, if my life chooses her over me, perhaps they would be affected… for couple of days, weeks? But me,” I sighed as I cover my face with my pillow, “I’ll forever be affected! It will be forever painful for me! And they don’t know how much it will hurt me!”

He sighed. “Well if that’s what you want then…I can’t argue with you anymore,” he stood up and reached for my hand, “Come on, let’s eat breakfast. I’m hungry…”

“I have no appetite,” I told him as I slumber down on my bed.

“Tsk. If you won’t eat, in law wouldn’t see you sexy and attractive anymore,” he chuckled.

“Well, you’re really trying your best huh?” I thought for a while and then stood up, and wore my sweater.

“Of course, I don’t want in law to get mad at me for not taking care of you, my little Prince,” he showed two thumbs up and shook his hands smiling. We went downstairs, and saw my mom and Ashley preparing food. Shin helped out, while me, well I just leaned myself on the wall; imagining my life beside me.

“I haven’t seen your boyfriend for the past three days now,” Ashley told me but I didn’t respond. I can hear them but I chose not to utter a single word. After a while, we went to our dining area, and started to eat. I actually didn’t eat almost anything.

“Don’t you like the food son?” my mom asked me.

I shrugged my head, “I’m just not in the mood to eat, besides I don’t have any appetite.”

“Maybe you had a lovers quarrel?” Ashley teased.

“Ashley!” Shin exclaimed.

“Oh? What? I’m just kidding!” and she continued eating.

I stood up, “I’ll just go and get some more milk,” and went to our kitchen. I saw my mom’s cook book. I browse into it, and saw a recipe for a Mocha cake.

“That’s in law’s favorite, right?” Shin asked me and he sipped into his goblet of water.

I nodded, “He really like this cake.”

“Oh, I know!” he bit on his lips, “My ideas really good, Prince. Hm, why don’t we bake a cake for today so at least when in law comes back, you have something to feed him!” he chuckled. I disagreed but he’s persuasive power made me agree in the end. We baked a cake, a Mocha cake to be specific.

“Let’s put some strawberries!” his voice was charming.

“Huh?” I wondered, “Mocha cakes don’t have strawberries, Shin.”

“Well…” he placed some strawberries on top of the cake delicately, “…you love strawberries, right? And in law likes Mocha cake. Since you’re one, let’s join them together.”

“Oh Shin…” my heart beat faster when the words ‘you’re one’ entered my ears. Are we really one?

“One love + one life = Perfect Love Story!” he grinned as he showed me the Mocha cake with strawberries on top. “Now, let’s put it inside the fridge and chill it. It’s best when chilled, right?” he smiled and placed the cake inside the fridge. Time passed so quickly without my life beside me. It’s already midnight now, and I’m just in my bed…reminiscing our fun memories together. After quite some time, I fell asleep.

A strum of guitar woke me up the next day, “Ryuuka?” I called out.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Shin stood up and placed his guitar on the couch. He sat beside me, “Wow, you slept all night and day.”

“What time is it?” I asked him as I rubbed my eyes. It’s wet, I wonder if I was crying when I was sleeping again.

“It’s 2 in the afternoon. I didn’t wake you up, you’re asleep… very asleep” he sighed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked and sat upright now.

“VII told me that in law is back. But he’s still not home yet.”

“See?” my eyes became heavy. “I know he chose her over me.”

“Geez, would you stop that shit! Prince, that is so ridiculous! Maybe in law is still out there thinking,” his eyes were fierce.

“Leave me alone for now Shin,” I laid down in my bed again. “Please?”

Shin didn’t speak but I heard the door closed. Then my tears started to run out of my eyes. I tried to stop them but they were uncontrollable. How many times did I cry for four days? Damn it, but there’s nothing I can do but to cry anyway. I didn’t know how long I cried, Shin come and go to my room but I don’t talk to him. My dad and mom also visited me but they didn’t succeed in cheering me up.

“Please leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. Please, I beg you, just leave me alone.”

They left me, I saw Shin very disappointed and my parents too but I don’t care. All I care for now is too see my Ryuuka. I stood up, and put on my sweater. I went out of our house; I don’t know where to go or what to do. I walked and walked until I reached one of our Cherry blossoms, its leaves are almost gone. Well, it’s the end of spring season anyway. I touched it, “I hope like you, I can be in full bloom again”, as the Cherry blossoms continued to shed its petals, my tears shed with it too.

A breeze touched me, it was cold but again, I didn’t care. I looked into my hand where our engagement ring is placed. I removed it, stared at it for some time, “You could at least have left sincerely yours,” I kissed the ring.

“Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Or does it make the heart find another?” and when I was about to throw it away, a cold hand held my wrist.

“Fonder,” I looked into the cold hand that was holding my wrist tightly. “I won’t do that if I were you,” he said.

I looked into his face and my pupils got wide, “Ryuuka…?”

He gets the ring from my hand and let my wrist go, “This cost me three missions you now, so please don’t throw it away,” and he smiled at me.

I was speechless and motionless.

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, “Why were you crying?” and kissed me softly… gently.

I could not kiss him back; instead I released myself from him and freely falls back in the ground. I could not look into him. He knelt in front of me, I wasn’t still looking. He held my chin up, “I love you… I love you…”

My tears run out again, and then he pulled me into his arms again but this time, it was a little hard. He hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t struggle. Will this be the last? But he said he loves me? Those thoughts run in my mind, over and over again.

“Please talk to me, enough please. This is dreadfully torturing me,” he looked into my face; his eyes were tear-jerking, “You’re breaking my heart, I beg you My Life”.

“My Life?” finally, something came out of my mouth.

“Yes, I am. Is someone made you forget about me?” he chuckled softly, “I’ll kill whoever that is.”

“Why are you here?” I was staring at him solemnly.

“Because I love you,” he uttered without a doubt, “Everything is fine now My Life, you don’t have to worry anymore.”

I took a deep breath, “You chose her over me?” I actually don’t want to hear his answer, I am too afraid of hearing that.

“What?” his voice became a little loud and stern. “What on earth are you saying, My Life?” he removed his jacket and placed to me, “Of course not.”

“Huh?” I wondered. “But…why? How? What happened?” my voice was weak, so weak… my body is also trembling.

He lifted me and stood up, “Why? What, do you really want me to choose her over you?” His eye brow raised.

“No,” I looked down.

“See, looks like you do not trust me, don’t you?” he held my chin and stared at me, though I wasn’t still looking at him.


“I love you, Prince…”

“I’m sorry…”

He chuckled and embraced me again, “You are so unenthusiastic, My Life…”

“I was scared…I thought you would really left me…”

“Oh, a scaredy one too…”he traced the line of my nose, “You really are so cute, Prince. What if I scare you ‘more’?”

I pouted my lips, “It’s your fault! If you didn’t tell those words to me, I wouldn’t even think that you’re going to choose her over me and dream of you every night, leaving me…and—“

He didn’t let me finish as he pressed his lips on mine, he kissed me so sweetly. He then stroke his hands into my hair, “Please don’t ever think of that again, My Life…it hurts me every second that you say that. You know that you are my only one and my only life, I offered my life…only for you, Prince Noctis.”

I looked at his eyes, his eyes were captivating.

“My Life?”

“Tell me what happened,” I caressed his face.

“At last! The true My Life is here with me again! I thought that you would be that melancholic even though I came back. Anyways, sure but not here. I want some privacy,” he smiled.

I looked into the rose bushes and there I saw Shin, Ashley, mom and dad watching us secretly, “Oh, I see.” I smiled at him. He carry me to my room but then we decided to go to the veranda of my room… oh, our room. He was just carrying me all the time and I was just staring at his deep black eyes. He placed me on the railings, while he was standing between my legs and my arms wrapped around him.

“You look pale… so pale,” he examined my face. “Your lips aren’t crimson red anymore…you even lost your weight.” He smiled, “But still very dazzling…”

“What happened?” I smiled at him, this time I felt so happy, “Please tell me.”

“You haven’t answered ‘I love you too’ yet,” he teased.

“I love you too… I love you,” I just didn’t say those words, I also kissed him. I let my tongue penetrate his mouth, and our tongues played with each other. He moaned and nibbled my lips. He started to brush his lips to my collar bone but I pushed him a little, “The story first.” I grinned.

“Tsk! You’re such a tease!” he exclaimed.

I stuck my tongue out, “So what happened? Where were you?”

He licked my tongue and chuckled, “Alright, alright. I’ll start my story telling.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, “First, I went to Isle Noctis to think.”

Isle Noctis?” Oh yeah, his private island that was named after me.

He nodded. “Where our last honeymoon took place,” he chuckled.

“Hey! What honeymoon!” I exclaimed, “We ain’t married yet.”

His eyes were gleaming. “Yeah, we ain’t yet but we always have our honeymoon. Don’t you deny it!” he laughed out.

I pouted my lips, “Fine… fine…”

He placed a kiss on my lips then he slowly moved upward and kissed my nose…then, “Stop!” I exclaimed, “The story?” I raised my eye brow.

He sighed twice, “What a tease. Anyway, all right. Here it goes, you better prepare yourself for later,” he winked.

“I’m always ready” I chuckled.

“Right, so… where do I start?” he wondered, “Oh yeah! There, well this afternoon. Me and Chantelle talked about the situation.”

I didn’t respond, I just want to listen to him intently.

“I told her that I disagree to her terms and conditions,” he sighed, “At first she complained and complained, I just let her to.


“But then she cried and all, beg at me etc. I told her that I would not change my decision, never. You know her; she’s really a persistent girl. She told me that if I can give a very good reason why of all people, why do I love you, then she might reconsider things, and let me go… move on.”

“What did you tell her?” this excites me a little, I really want to know why my Ryuuka loves me.

He smiled, “I told her how much I love you.”

“How… how much?” I asked hesitantly.

When he started to talk, his voice became different. It’s like his singing for me, maybe I was just imagining this but his voice was so serene when he uttered those reasons why he loves me,

“I love you so much because… all that you have are everything that I need. There’s nothing in you that I don’t need. And that’s why, in every moment that I am with you, it always feels like the best new day of my life.”

I was quiet for some time, all that he said… it run over and over my head. I couldn’t process it too much, all I understand… “I love you too” were the only words that came out my mouth.

He smiled, “Though, I want to apologize to in law later” he sighed.

“Why?” I asked and caressed his face.

“Even philosophers can be ‘unwise’ because of their strong love for their better half” he rested his head on my chest.

“I don’t understand? I thought everything is fine now?” I stroked my hand into his hair.

“For us yes, but for in law…well I don’t know. After hearing what I said, Chantelle… well, I know she’ll move on now and let me go.”

“And Shin?” I wondered.

“Well, I mean remember her condition, me in exchange for him. I didn’t disagree, so that means we ain’t together right?” he sighed, “She might not still let Shin go.”

“I see. So, what shall we do now?”

“That… well, I don’t know. That’s actually the reason why I left, and chose to be alone My Life. I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to explain it to you.”

I didn’t respond and let him continue.

“You see, from the start… my decision is really of course disagree. I never wanted to be with her, and be away with you,” he looked at me. “So I’d thought that what shall I do to not hurt you, and at the same time, will still help in law. I really want to help in law, not because we’re friends but for VII’s beneficial” he laughed out, “Kidding! Of course in law is a friend to me”

I chuckled, “You really want them to be together huh?”

He nodded, “Anyway that’s why I left,” and rested his head again on my chest.

“You should have told me that, I will let you go somewhere.” I thought.

“Well, yeah I know that. But I’d chose to be away, and at the same time I want to make a decision without any interference from you”

I pouted my lips, “What does that mean?”

“Well… it simply means that you’ll get in my way if you were beside me. You know My Life, whenever I am with you…time seems to fly so quickly, actually whenever I am with you, nothing else matters for me. Whenever we’re together, my heart and mind are always… always focusing on you so if you were with me for that past 3 days, well… I wouldn’t really devise a good and rightful decision because like what I said, I’ll be just focusing to you… not on the problem.”

Now I understand, wow… maybe I’m really that so distracting for him, or… let me rephrase that into ‘attractive’. I chuckled.


“Nothing, continue please.” I told him.

“Though…it’s still ironic,” he sighed, “Even without you beside me, I didn’t make a wise decision. Like what I said, philosophers can be unwise… I became unwise”

“Why is that?” he lifted his head and looked at me.

“Because even if you weren’t with me, I was still thinking about you… well, I mean I wanted to help in law but the only way to help him is to give myself to Chantelle, well if I was just thinking about myself then maybe I can manage. I mean I can bear being with Chantelle, but I could not do that for if I do that. I would hurt you, and I cannot afford that to happen” he touched my face, “I’d rather face my end than to see you broken hearted because of me…” a single tear fell from his eyes, “I’d rather kill myself than to hurt you…”

I kissed his tear away, and hugged him tight.

“That’s why I want to apologize to in law because I couldn’t help him,” he sighed, “My decision is for my only one.”

Our face is a breath away, “My life, you’re not a god. You can’t do everything, and for sure Shin would understand”

“I hope so. I tried not to be selfish, but I could never hurt you,” and he kissed me passionately… so passionate that I almost fell out of the railings.

“Ugh, careful…” I murmured.

“Oh, sorry My Life…” he grinned, “I’m getting excited again because of you.”

I pinched his cheeks, “I love you…”

“I love you more…” he kissed me on my nose then I heard his stomach grumbling. I burst out laughing. “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah? You know, My Life…I haven’t eaten anything for 72 hours now.”

“Huh? Why is that?” I was so worried.

“I forgot to eat,” he chuckled, “Do you have something to feed me?” He showed a cat face and made beautiful eyes.

“Forgot to eat, huh…” What a weirdo? But I love this weirdo so much so back off.

“Though, you made me full for sometime because of our kisses. Still, I want to eat something…sorry…”

“It’s alright. You don’t need to say sorry, My Life,” I went down of the railings.

“Ugh, where are you going?” he hold onto my hand.

“My lover needs to eat…” I winked and so we went to the kitchen, and there he ate… he ate like a monster! I thought he’ll never stop eating.

“I’m so sorry My Life, I’m really just so hungry,” he told me while he munched his food. Oh btw, it’s his 16th plate now.

“I said it’s all right, no worries. Eat as many as you want,” I put on some mustard in his fries, “Here…” he opened his mouth, and then I placed the fries… all the fries in his mouth.

He coughed a little, and swallow all the fries, “My Life, are you mad at me? I told you, I didn’t choose her over you,” and he drunk his cola.

I chuckled, “I thought you’re so hungry that’s why I put it all”

He pouted his lips, and continued eating. I just stared at him. Staring at him is a hobby for me. You know I can’t get my eyes off of My Life. He’s just wow…I can’t explain what I really feel whenever I’m with him. Anyways, after his 27th plate. “Done! Damn, that was amazing!” he laughed out.

“Yeah it is amazing, our fridge is so clean. Tsk.” I teased.

“Oh! I’m so sorry! I’ll replace it all, I promise!” his eyes were tantalizing; he’s so cute this time anyway. Well, he’s always is for me.

“You don’t have to” I told him, “Oh want a dessert?” I remembered something.

He grinned.

“Oh okay,” I stood up and get the Mocha cake I baked for him… oh, we baked but I won’t tell him that we baked it. I’ll get some credit. I placed the cake in the table, “Dig in.”

I saw his eyes widened, he got a slice and slowly placed it in his mouth, “Delicious!” he exclaimed, “Wow! This chocolate cake tastes so good… and I love the strawberries on top!”

I got pissed off a little and took the cake away from him.

“Huh?” he wondered, “Hey! Give it back; I still want to eat my favorite cake.”

I glared at him, “Sshh, My Life! Mocha cake is your favorite… not chocolate cake!” and I turned my back.

He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist, “I know”, he dipped his finger in on the icing of the cake, “I just want to check if you really know what I like”, he whispered and he spread the icing on my lips and licked on them with his tongue, then before I knew it… he’s already kissing me which I quickly responded too.

We were still kissing when he got the cake and put it on the table. He still didn’t let me go, he lifted me and placed me on top of the table. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed me…kissed me…and kissed me. I think he doesn’t want to stop, I don’t want too so we kissed for a very long… it was really long because after our kiss, I was catching for my breath, and he was smiling and looking at me.

“What are you smiling at?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’m just imagining you naked…already,” and he suddenly lifted me again, and we went to our room. He placed me on the bed, before he crawled over me. He removed his clothes, and turned off the lights, “I’m at my limit now…” he whispered, his voice was seducing.

“I know…” I teased, I came closer to him, kissed his ear, nibbled, lick and suck on it, “Show me what you got, Mr. Philosopher…” I stared at him, enchanted with his love.

“Very well then,” he stripped my clothes off and he tied my wrist together with his necktie, “Better be ready. I’ll make you beg me to stop…” he licked my lips and kissed me passionately. He smiled.

I smiled too, “We’ll see about that, pleasure me…My Life,” his hands traced the lines of my body as his lips was pressing to every inch of it too. I moaned, and it made him pleased thus he pressed on my butt while I squeezed his manhood. He moaned as well, and bit my nipples, “Ouch…” I whispered.

He smiled, “Moan for me My Life…call out my name,” and he started to make his way inside me. “I love you…” he said and this time his thrusting me gently... so gently that I want to pull him hard inside me.

“Ryuuka….ugh, nh.. Ryuuka…” I reached for him, and hugged him tight, “Faster…” I whispered in breathless anticipation, “Please…nh…fuck me faster…faster…”

And now he thrust me faster, “Oh, you’re dripping…” he teased.

“You’ve been waiting…for it…for a long time…right…pleasure yourself more…” I told him.

He pulled his dick out, and moved downwards, “Creamy and luscious milk…” he licked me clean down there and sucked it after. It was so pleasurable to me that I wanted to return the favor. I asked him to untie me.

“No… I know how it gets you excited when you’re tied up,” he chuckled.

I nodded and exchange places with him. I sucked his lips as well as his tongue while kissing. I withdrawed my lips slightly from his and allowed a few droplets of my saliva to drip gently into his mouth. I gave him circles of kisses on his neck, on his collarbone, on his chest. I went downwards to give him a blow job but he suggested that I should ride him instead, and so I did. His nipples grazed my lips and I licked it, then I sucked it. His nipples got so hard, and I laughed, “You’re still hard, My Life” I teased.

“Yeah, that’s why you’re my chest romanticist…you’re the best in making myself so hard,” then he smiled sweetly.

I continued to ride him and then after he came, I went downwards to lick him clean too, “Spread your legs a little, My Life”, and so he did.

After I clean him, he sat upright and placed me above him. Then he put inside me his manhood again, and made me bounce up and down. I was trembling… wobbling, I think I’m going to be unconscious anytime soon but luckily I didn’t.

“Beg me to stop now…” he whispered.

“No… I want some more…more my life…pleasure me more…” I teased, and kissed his lips. I nibbled on his lips, and then my tongue made its way inside his mouth. We were kissing sensually while his thrusting me passionately.

“I think I’m coming again, My Life…” he told me breathlessly.

“Come inside me then,” I offered, and there he came inside me. “My life, your presence feeds my fantasies and it satisfies my cravings, thus it keeps me coming back for more…”

Our love making was so timeless and burning that we didn’t recon that it’s already morning. After we dirtied each other, I saw My Life already asleep in my arms. I hugged him tight, and followed him in his dreams.

The next day, I woke first. I grabbed the pillow beside me, and I made it as a replacement for me. My Life was hugging the pillow, thinking it was me. I went out of the bed slowly… I put on my pjs and my sweater. I went downstairs and saw Shin. I greeted him.

“Hi there my little Prince, so… how’s the comeback honeymoon?” he teased as he continued eating his Pringles.

I was in the mood to play along with his joke, “It was…tasty, satisfying and pleasurable.” I snickered and got the tube of the Pringles and put all the chips inside my mouth.

“Hey! That’s mine!” he pouted his lips.

“Sorry, hungry!” I chuckled. It was almost evening, and soon dinner would be served. I went to the kitchen to see what’s cooking. My mom told me some Mexican dishes that she cooked. I just nodded for I really didn’t understand a thing she said about those foods. I went upstairs; I slowly open the door of my room. I saw My Life already awake, and he was staring at Soul (if you don’t know what Soul is, it’s his black and gold revolver). I crawled over him, while he placed Soul underneath his pillow.

“Good evening,” I greeted him with a sweet smile on my face.

He smiled, “I forgot to ask you, why you were depressed when I left you. Besides telling you I don’t want you to interfere with my decision?”

I sighed and stroked my fingers into his hands, “I told you yesterday, right? Because I thought that you’ll choose her over me…”

“Tsk. What? You actually thought that I will leave you?”

I nodded while I rested on his chest.

“You’re my love… you’re my soul… you’re my life, and you’re my death, so why the hell will I leave you?”

I was speechless.

He kissed me sweetly, “Please, if something like this happens again. Just trust me, okay? Remember, you’ve always been my forever.”

“Oh Ryuuka…I love you. You needed time to think and that was ok- really, you are worth waiting for... and waiting for...and waiting for. And now you are here with me again…” I uttered while I brush my lips onto his cheek.

“Chantelle’s love for me is really amazing. I didn’t realize that she would love me like this…” he sighed.

I pouted my lips, fine I’m getting jealous again.

“But of course, you’re love exceeds her love for me million… or even trillion times” he got my hand, and placed our engagement ring on my finger, “Prince, why did you love me?” his eyes were genuine.

“You know, My Life…words aren’t enough to express how am I so in love with you, all I know is that you complete me. You are the one that counts; you are my heart, the source of my life. The one who burns in my soul, the one who aches in my flesh, and the one who ignites my nerves. I love you because I know no other way.”

He smiled as he caressed my face, “Then how much do you love me?”

“One word: TIMELESS.”

He hugged me tight, and started to undress me. I let him, but then the door opened, “Ooppss! Sorry!” Shin chuckled, “I’ve been knocking for a few times now but you aren’t answering that’s why I made myself a way.”

“We didn’t hear you. You should have knocked louder. Tsk,” I told him while My Life was just smiling.

“Excuses!” He chuckled, “It’s because you are busy with something…though I know that…nothing else matters when you are together,” he quoted as he winked. “Come on, let’s eat. Aunt and uncle are waiting downstairs” he went off.

I stood up, and reached for My Life’s hand. He also stood up and held my hands tight, “I love you Prince…” he kissed my cheek, “You’re dazzling me…”

I smiled at him, “I love you too” and we started walking, “I can see clearly now that the rain is gone…”

“For your umbrella is now here for you… and will always be” he smiled.

I smiled too.

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