Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Kissing Monster


boys night out again with my life, shin and VII! it's my life's treat so he fetched shin and i in our crib. i was waiting in the living room...

'my excellency!' my life greeted me with a sweet smile as he entered the room,'i life...' he hugged me tightly, 'i miss you so much...'

'i miss you too, of course...' i held his arms and kissed him, 'aren't you with VII?'

'hm?' he looked back, 'he was just behind me...oh, there he is. where have you been, VII?'

'i just finished smoking...'

'that fast?' my life sat beside me. VII simply nodded and he sat opposite to us.

'where's in law?'

'i think he's still in his room.'

' he's slow? i mean slow in doing things.' VII said

'he's not. i think it's his first time to be the last one to be in the group?'

'ah, yeah..' my life agreed, 'he's one of the first who arrives during the rehearsals before. somethings's wrong with in law?'

i shrugged my shoulders and then VII murmured, 'maybe because of what he said to me last time.'

'huh? what did he say?' my life asked, 'yii, you two are hiding secrets from us!' my life chuckled

'tsk. so he's still not saying it to you.'

i pouted my lips, 'anyways, i'm getting bored here. can you fetch shin in his room, VII?'

'i don't know where-'

'use your senses, VII!' my life grinned

'alright, Leader.' VII stood up and went to look for shin's room.

'let's follow him..' i grinned

'good idea. we should do that too when we're in the club, orayt? can't wait to see what might happen.' we followed VII

'this is so exciting...' i snickered. we saw VII entered shin's room. VII closed the door. of course, we can't let them talk by themselves..privacy's not working here. haha. so we sneaked. shin has a phone call so VII just waited, leaning on the wall.

'yosh. bye...' shin ended the phone call

'you sound so sad, shin.'

'nah, i'm not!' shin smiled and fixed his hair

'yes, you are. it's obvious. it's all about your university, right?'

'well, yeah...' shin sighed, 'hm..i'll be leaving next saturday. the 15th. it really is.'

'XXVII and his lover didn't know anything about it yet...--'

'i'll tell it later. it's better if i have a liquor beside me.' shin chuckled

'your choice.' VII looked at the ceiling, 'your bedroom's cozy.'

shin just smiled, 'your's too?' and he stole a picture of VII


'no contradictories for me, VII! say cheese!' shin chuckled

'stop it.' VII hastily went at shin's back and head locked him


VII released him, 'XXVII and his lover are waiting for us in the living room'

'that hurts ya know.' shin sprayed some perfume on his clothes, 'alright, let's go!'

'o..ow...let's hide in that corner, my life!' my life held my hand tightly and we hid in a corner. VII and shin went outside shin's room and downstairs. 'shin's leaving...?'

'i don't know...he hasn't tell anything'

'hm...?' my life looked at me

'maybe they want him back. he still has 1 year to complete--'

'aw...too bad. i'm gonna miss in law if that's the case. he's so naughty and silly that i get used to those.' he pouted his lips. i pinched his nose, 'they'd be looking for us, let's go and use the back door of the mansion to get to your car.'

and there we went. of course, we're the first ones to be in my life's car. VII and shin went inside too. my life started the engine...while on our way...

'i should have brought my camera. i gotta feeling that this night's gonna be a good night!' shin stretched his arms, bumped VII's arm, 'oops, sorry...' shin grinned, 'tsk...i should have really brought it so i could get some stolen shots of ya!'

VII just scratched his head and sighed.

'so you have some remembrance of VII, in law?'

'yup!' shin chuckled and sighed

'what's the problem?' i asked

'nothing...' shin smiled, 'let's hang out every night, ok?'

'why is that?' my life asked

'so i could make my stay here more meaningful and memorable...'

VII just looked at him. my life's eyes and mine met too. silence for a while...

' law's treating us, right? let's make him drunk!' shin chuckled

'asa...we'll make you so drunk in law that you'll go wild and crazy!' my life laughed

'that's would be better.' i agreed

'interesting.' VII added

'ah, so you're going to make me drunk huh? grr. i won't be!'

'wushu...' my life was still laughing

i just smiled and remembered something. my life looked at me and pressed my hands, like saying...'are you alright?' i pressed his too and smiled, like saying...'yeah, everything's fine.' that's what you call, body language. haha. anyways, we were in the club now. as usual we sat in the VIP area. first, we ordered two cases of lights. while drinking...

'i'm missing the role playing we had here...' my life laughed, 'don't you miss that too?'

VII and shin just looked at my life. no responses, just drinking.

'do you want to make me another script story?' i suggested while massaging my life's back, he got tired planning for my birthday party because of mom's requests. haha.

'nah..not anymore, my prince...' shin gulped on his lights. his 5th

'in law?'

'yes?' shin finished another

'relax, ok? we still have lots of beers to come so...just stay put.' my life smiled

'i am relaxed, in law. no worries here' shin grinned, 'cmon in law, its just your 2nd! ya really are weak!

'so..? at least i won't get drubk easily..besides, my life's here..i am more focused on him rather than drinking those lights...' my life kissed me

'ah? so that means i won't see ya drunk? tsk!' shin finished his 6th bottle

'sorry for you.' VII finished his 2nd and i just have finished my first.

'ya are a weakling too my little prince?' shin chuckled

'shut up. like what has my life said, i am more focused on him..see? i'm massaging him right now..i can't multi tasked--'

'excuses' shin interrupted

'ok?' i pouted my lips and whispered to my life, 'he's not drunk?'

my life shook his head and smiled, 'by the law. you still have something to tell us.'

'about what?' shin asked

'about the university.' VII answered finishing his 3rd

'geez, are you that close, VII and shin?' my life chuckled

'of course! we're friends!' shin placed his arms on VII's shoulder as he finished his 7th

'i guess, we are all friends here, shin.' VII said

'i agree with you,' i said while massaging my life's palms this time and started drinking my 2nd bottle, 'what's with the university thing, shin?'

'ah...' shin finished his 8th, 'well, yesterday professor called me. he wants me to continue my last year this coming 3rd week of may.'

my life fed me some chips, starting with his 3rd, 'eh? are they allowed to that--'

'he's my adviser at the same time.'

VII finished his 4th, 'what do students like you, majoring in theater acting, usually do? thesis? practicum?'

' thesis for us. those are for science majors. for us, we do have a practicum.' shin ate some chips,'so..i have 10 months to complete, 3 months for research studies of what will you present--'

'present? you mean you're final paper would be presenting a play made by you?' i asked as i finished my 2nd

'yep!' shin smiled as he finished his 9th, 'after that 3 months, you should alot at least 5 months for preparations and the remaining two months depends on your professor.'

'ah...i see.' my life sighed as he finished his 3rd, 'i think that's kinda lonely. you're going to study there and leave us...'

'for a while...' shin showed us a blank face.

'can there be a possibility that you can do your research here?' VII said as he looked intently on shin. shin looked at him too and smiled, 'you thought of what i am thinking too...we have a nexus, VII' shin patted his head.

'so can it be?' my life asked

'i don't know if there are cases of that. so i'll just ask them. i hope they could allow me.'

and a pleasure to help you with your studies' VII said as he finished his 5th

my life and i looked at each other and snickered. i finished my 4th

'thank ya, VII' shin smiled and then sighed, 'but still, i don't want to leave japan. i'm going to miss ya guys a whole heck of a lot.' he finished his 10th

silence for a while.

VII stood up, 'i'll just smoke outside.' and he left us

'hm?' shin followed him with his sight, 'how many boxes of cigars can he finish in a day, in law?'

'i guess, at least three? i'm not sure...' my life finished his 5th

'that's bad for his health...'

'yeah, but he's not that weak. so it's just alright.' my life chuckled and looked at me, 'my life..thanks for being my slave...' he winked at me

'it's ok, you helped mom for my birthday party...' i massaged his arms

'i helped aunt too so massage me, prince!' shin showed his arms and grinned

'let VII massage you, shin.' i chuckled

'as if he'll do it!' shin chuckled too finishing his 11th, 'order some more in law.'

'alright, what do you want? want some hardcore?'

'sure!' shin grinned, 'i'm always ready! and i don't want lights for now...'

my life nodded and he called the hostess, ordered some hardcore drinks for shin.

'we'll just finish the lights, alright in law? enjoy your drinks...' my life smiled. VII went back to his seat and drank again. after 2 hours and a half...

'ugh...' shin hicupped, 'i'll just..go to the bathroom...' he stood up, 'wow...those dancers are turning...upside down...' he walked, swaying back and forth

'he's drunk...' VII said

'yes, he is.' my life chuckled, 'orayt! i'm not the one who's drunk this time!'

we saw shin bumped on the wall. 'damn, is he alright?'

'hey, VII..why are you just sitting there? go there and assist him! he's your responsibility for tonight' my life chuckled

'alright.' VII wen to shin and assisted him

my life smiled and kissed me, 'time to follow them my life. i asked the hostess to watch our area.' he held my hand and we followed them to the bathroom. *i'll just put here VII and shin's scene, ok? haha

VII was just following shin. shin on the other hand was so tipsy that he almost went inside the girls bathroom

'shin--' VII grabbed his arms, capturing shin in his arms

'..elle...?' shin smiled and hiccuped, 'what your body? you're kinda...mascular...?' shin laughed

VII assisted shin inside the boys bathroom, 'cmon shin, do your thing.'

'ha?' shin hiccuped

'geez...' VII pushed him inside the cubicle and closed the door

'so..get go your friends..' shin sang..'and i get my friends.. and we can be friends doing this every weekend...go girl' shin chuckled and hiccuped..'elle...why are ya in the boys bathroom?

'shut up, i'm not elle.'

'yes, ya are...' shin finished his thing and he washed his hands, 'i'm like a red' shin pinches his cheek

'tsk.' VII sighed

shin looked at the mirror, 'can i hug ya, elle?'

VII just shook his head, 'you freakinin me, stupid silly head.'

shin smiled and went towards him and hugged him, 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...' and shin pressed his lips on his. VII was just standing there, a bit shocked of what had happened.

'i love you...elle...' shin hiccuped

'i told you, i'm not elle!I'm VII!' VII exclaimed

'VII? oh...then i love you so much VII...' shin kissed him again


i saw my life lack jawed and then he rubbed his eyes. 'can you see what i am seeing here, my life?'

'yep...' i smiled

'shin kissed VII.' my life chuckled, 'oh my goodness, i think my heart will burst out.'

'ok? i forgot to tell you...'

'what's that my life?' he looked again inside the bathroom

'shin's a kissing monster whenever he's drunk. once he started, he won't stop.'

'better!' my life chuckled and then paused for a while, 'eh?! don't tell me, he kissed you before when his drunk?'

'no. of course not. i think it's his first time to kiss somebody when he's drunk. he haven't kiss anyone before.' i snickered

'how could that be?'

'we reminded everyone who's drinking with him of what he does actually. i just forgot to tell it to you a while ago.'

'ah!' my life chuckled again, 'it's ok. at least we saw them kissing! oh, they're goin outside. let's hurry! they might see us!' we hurriedly went back to our area. i massaged my life again while he's drinking..

'in law...' shin sat down, 'i want to give a cheesy line...' he hiccuped

i saw VII bit his lips and he drank again.

'give your best shot, in law.' my life smiled and looked at VII

'ah..'shin hiccuped and drank again

'how was he, VII?' my life asked

'he misses his girl. he keeps on saying her name.'

'oh...really...' my life smiled, 'hey, in law. what's your cheesy line?'

shin hiccuped and then he showed his phone, 'i'll be using this for my props, well as my friend here....' shin placed his hand around VII's waist. 'oh, somone texted me and it's VII....tsk...' shin hiccuped, 'i'm so sick of receiving VII's text messages, maybe next time...i'll receive his love...' shin looked at VII and grinned

' are really inspired in law!' my life clapped at him and he hugged me, 'i am inspired too...' and he kisssed me

'they're sweet...' shin looked at VII

'envy?' VII asked

'yeah, i wanted to kiss you...' shin bent towards VII but unluckily fell on the couch, 'i'm falling! someone must catch me!!' he was waiving his arms while on the floor

i shook my head, 'stupid.'

VII reached shin but suddenly, shin pulled VII downwards, making VII over him. shin exchanged places with him and started kissing VII.

' think he's really going wild and crazy now, my life' he held shin's arms to let VII stand up again.

'be careful my life, he might kiss you!' i warned my life

' law...' shin hiccuped, 'i'll give ya a present too...' he would kiss my life but VII grabbed him

'hi..VII...' shin kissed VII again

'thank goodness, thanks for saving me VII.' my life sighed and sat again.

'let's just finish these cases and leave.' i said

'sure...' my life snickered and then whispered, 'he's still kissing VII.'

'yeah...he's kissing him back?' i asked

'i can't see...tsk..' my life drank again, 'ehem, shin?'

'what?' shin looked at us and smiled, 'sorry...for doing public...' he drank and hiccuped, 'ooh..i see stars..where's the moooooooooon!?'

'why aren't you reacting VII?' my life asked smiling

'hm?' he drank

'oh..i remember, it's your first time to be kissed...right?

VII nodded.

'yey! i'm your first kiss!' shin's like a little girl, biting his lips and twirling his hair, 'i'm i that good, VII? oh, you don't have any girlfriends since birth?' shin hugged him and kissed him again

VII nodded again.

'oh? but you're a good looking man. so mature and serious. why don't you have one?' i asked

'i'm not interested--'

'and now you'll be...' shin interrupted as he kissed VII's lips passionately, 'i love you..i love you..i love you!!'

my life smiled, 'you like shin's kiss...don't you, VII?'

'he does!!!!!!' shin exclaimed while finishing the last bottle and he sat down, 'my head hurts...' he hiccuped

'let's go now, my life...' i told him as i stand up

'sure...' he stood up and left the cold cash on the desk, 'VII, just carry shin, ok?'

'alright, hope he won't puke on me.' VII carried shin (lover's carry)

'sweet!' my life chuckled, 'tell VII about that monster, my life...'

'hm, i'm sorry for not telling you VII..but shin's a kising monster whenever he's drunk. peace!' i showed him a peace sign

'ah...' VII replied and he looked on the sleeping shin

so we went home...ow, while on our way...
shin was sleeping on VII's shoulder and he's murmuring something

'i miss you...i...miss you...and...i love' shin looked at VII and smiled, '' shin kissed him again, 'elle...elle...'

'he's still kissing him...' i told my life

'he's really the kissing monster...' he looked at his back and watched them for a sec, 'you observe them, my life...' he smiled

'hm..sure...' i looked again on them and whispered, 'shin was just sleeping again...and...wew, VII leaned his head on shin. kawaii.'

'really.' my life grinned, 'we're still not finish in observing them...'

'i know...' i smiled.

and we're at my life's home. of course, VII carried shin again.

'where will he sleep?' VII asked

'in your bedroom, of course!; my life grinned

'alright, i'll bring him in.'

'sure, we'll rest now too.' my life said and whispered, 'time to follow them again.' and we chuckled

so VII placed shin over his bed..

'sleeping...time...?' shin asked and he hiccuped

'yeah, so shut up now and sleep.' VII went to his closet and looked for a shirt. he got a towel, dipped in a cold water and damped it to shin's face.

'what...are ya doing...' shin scratched his head and yawned

'stay put..' VII removed shin's tshirt and damped it with towel too

'i don't want to be's'

'shut up.' VII put his tshirt on shin, 'sleep tight, shin.'

'i don't wanna...sleep yet...' he hiccuped, 'let me have a good night kiss first...'

'nuts.' VII folded shin's soiled shirt while sitting on the floor. and shin, went down and kissed hih again. 'good night...good ni--' and shin fell asleep. VII carried him again and he just stared on shin. after 30 minutes...

'shin might melt...' i told my life

'yeah...' my life snickered, 'VII won't sleep...?'

'don't know...'

'hm, ok. shin gave VII 9 kisses. shin has 8 ex girlfriends and that might mean that VII would be the 9th!' my life grinned, 'now, it's my turn to be kissed!' he carried me, going to his room.'

my life placed me on his bed and crawled over me. he removed my shirt and played on my nipples. his hand went downwards and back to my nape. he kissed me passionately. i kissed him back as i removed his clothes.

'my life...' i said breathlessly

'yes, my life?' he kissed my ear dorn to my neck

'do you think they're doing the same thing?'

my life smiled, 'they ain't like life...' my life kissed me on my eyes, then to my nose, my cheek then to my lips. he kissed my ear, my neck..down to my collar bone and circles of kisses on my chest, 'prince're dazzling me.' his deep black eyes stared on my face

i pushed him, 'liar! you told me you're getting bored of me!'

' really are dazzling me...prince noctis...' and he started to kiss me again

'pleasure me...' i whispered

'pleasuring you is a pleasure for me...' he went to back and touched my manhood

'it..really...feels good...when we're doing this....' i bit my lips as he kissed my ear

'does it hurt...?'

' used to this...why asking a stupid question?!' i exclaimed and let him stop

my life chuckled and stared at me, 'maybe, it's my turn.' i smiled and went over his back, touching his dick, 'now..does it hurt my life?'

'' my life said breathlessly, 'my life...--'

'don't hold back...i can use it. go ahead and come for me....'


'nothing...' i sucked his manhood

'it really...feels so good...' he said breathlessly

'let me in?' i looked at him and smiled

'a pleasure...' my life answered and *thrust


i woke up at around 12:30 in the afternoon and finished this. my life's just observing the two in VII's room. they said that they're still sleeping. haha. later, we'll go back to our mansion and plan for the party.

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